The price to book a Private Room varies depending on a number of factors. All Private Rooms at Mox have a standard rate, as well as a discounted off-peak rate for bookings before 5:00 PM. And each room has an individual price per hour depending on the location, room capacity, and features.

For the most current and up-to-date pricing, please visit and select the location you're interested in to get up to date pricing. 

As a reminder, if you reserve a Private Room and cancel your room less than 72 hours before your reservation or do not show for your reservation, your card used to reserve the room will be charged 50% of the total booking fee. Your card will not be charged during the booking process and you must bring a form of payment with you during your event. Off site or advanced payments are not available. 

If you are looking to book our larger rooms that are not listed, please contact us directly with information about your event using this contact form.